During past weeks, I worked a lot on the User Interface. For faster iteration times, I did the layout in Unity3D and wrote an exporter to create an xml and bitmaps for VSTGUI. This allowed me to do adjustments to the layout very quickly:

The first layouts that I posted some time ago had to get some updates. I forgot a section to set the name of a Preset and the Play mode page had to get some additional buttons, plus a search box to find presets quickly.

Some people pointed out that it would be better to have all sources on one page for faster editing. I tried it, but it just didn’t fit on one page properly. I didn’t want to ruin the design completely and the editing functionality is already really good in my opinion.

For the emulation engine, I had to do some minor finishing touches and fixed some bugs:
- Ring Modulation didn’t behave correctly when being set to reverse mode
- Fixed ring modulation caused envelopes to be applied twice, resulting in wrong decay & release behaviour
- Implementation of Poly 2, Poly 1 and Mono modes was still missing
- K1v will now correctly respond to Sysex messages, just as a real K1 does
- Support to mix Source levels with the Joystick
- Some code fixes to support 64 bit compilation
- Midi: Pan, Main Volume, Program Change including Bank Select, Hold Pedal, All Notes Off
- State serialization to make it possible that the state is saved as part of a DAW project
- Wrong key scaling curve 4
And lots of other smaller things! 👍
If you want to support me, feel free to donate:
The product page is located here: Nils‘ K1v
Product Listing on KVR: Nils‘ K1v
Please, start a thread in KvR „Instruments“ forum about K1v 🙂
I stumbled across this site just today and noticed, that this gem doesn’t have its own thread there, only product page. At first I wanted to make one but I think You – as the developer – should do this.
Thank You for making this instrument and best regards
Michael (Kumi_27)