2012-2014: Heat Synthesizer Android App

  • Full app development
  • Synthesis / highly optimized DSP algorithms
  • UI development
  • Server backend with php/mysql
  • Windows VST plugin
APIs / Languages
  • Java / C++ 11 / php / mySQL
  • ARM NEON intrinsics / Intel x86 intrinsics
  • OpenSL ES / Steinberg VST SDK 2.4
  • Visual Studio 2010, Eclipse, Mercurial, Intel VTune, AMD Codeanalyst, systrace


GPU Convolution Reverb VST for NVIDIA / ATI – Public demo available

I spent much work in the last weeks for completion of my GPU impulse reverb VST plugin that runs entirely on a GPU, resulting in a CPU usage near 0%.

I have released a public demo version now that is available to download for free for everyone. Plese visit the product website http://www.gpuimpulsereverb.de for more information.